iCaching 5.0.6
/in Uncategorized/by mariusdereusWhile waiting for the approval of iCaching 5.0.5 with bug fixes for the export bug and crash on sorting on coordinate, we fixed a lot of other issues. Because it will take a little while before those fixes can be in the App Store because of the (way too long) approval period Apple takes, I make this update available again for direct download from here:
This version fixes the following bugs (compared to 5.0.5):
- The pocket query dialog was broken on Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks
- Updating Favourite points didn’t work
- The Favorites folder wasn’t updated
- The sort order in the cache list could get lost
- Loading Photos could crash in Mavericks
- Only new logs are imported on application start, instead of all logs of the last month
- The split view in the log and waypoints tab was wrong on application start while these tabs were open
- Fixed export to CSV
- The table header on the logs tab looked weird in Mavericks
iCaching 5.0.5
/in Uncategorized/by mariusdereusVersion 5.0 is out! [update: please report conversion issues]
/in Uncategorized/by mariusdereusThis morning we could finally release version 5.0! The update is available in the app store.
Explore the new features like the location picker to insert coordinates, the photos tab and the improved performance.
Happy caching!
There are some reports coming in about databases that are not correctly converted to version 5.0. We’re researching the issue.
Fortunately there is a backup of your original database. It is located in the same folder as the database and its name ends on .iCaching_DataModel 5.0. The database is located on a somewhat hidden location. Instructions to reach that location: https://www.icaching.eu/support/#toggle-id-4
If the conversion fails on your machine, I’d really like to have a copy of the backup to find out what went wrong. Please mail it using weTransfer.com to info at icaching dot eu
Excuse for the inconvenience!
Version 5.0 Public Beta is out
/in Update/by mariusdereusTwo weeks ago we could send out the first public beta of iCaching 5.0 and last week the second beta. Eventually, version 5.0 brought much more code changed than initially intended, so it took much more time than expected to finish it.
But with this version we have a good foundation for the future. Apart from some (big) new features (as mentioned in previous blog posts) the overall performance and under-the-hood logic of iCaching is vastly improved. Thanks to these changes it will be easier to add new functionality in the near future.
For now, we need some time ironing out the last bugs, finishing translations and help files. But we’re finally heading towards this long awaited release. A little patience please….
A small update on it’s way
/in Update/by mariusdereusJust pressed the submit button for version 4.97.7. A small update which fixes some little bugs reported by customers.
Also added some small improvements. The most important one: in addition to the existing cmd-backspace keystroke (like in Finder), you can delete a cache from the list with just delete or backspace alone.
So when Apple has reviewed this version, it will appear in the App Store.
And in the meantime we continue work on version 5.0 which is nearing completion.
Groundspeak API changes lead to broken logs download
/in Uncategorized/by mariusdereusOn March 16, Groundspeak has changed some API limits without notice to developers. Unfortunately this breaks some functionality in iCaching. Loading your last logs, or logs for caches now returns an error message instead of logs.
We’ll fix this ASAP.
How about that version 5.0 you’re talking about?
/in Uncategorized/by mariusdereusThat’s a good question. Let me explain.
The major features I planned for version 5.0 were a Yosemite look and feel, a geocache images tab and a location picker (to choose a location for corrected coordinates, API searches and home locations. See screenshot).
To implement these features I had to make major refactorings in the existing code. For example, for the location picker I needed the Apple Maps API, which is only available for Mavericks and higher (so that will be the minimum OS for version 5.0). That made it possible to replace a lot of legacy code by more modern APIs Apple is providing. Or another example; to add the photos, I need to do a database version migration. That provided the opportunity to make the data model more efficient (loading at startup with big databases!), and prepare for new properties (user waypoints). The extra work involved was to create a migration process from the old to the new version, keeping your old data work in the new version.
These refactorings make the groundwork of the application more stable, faster and better maintainable. But they cost a lot (yes, I mean a lot!) of time. And in the meantime there is still some maintenance work on version 4.x…
To make this version ship in a not too distant future, I will cut some of the planned features (probably photos too) for the first 5.x version. But a lot of groundwork has been done, so those extra features can be added soon after the first release.
Public beta
All these changes in the foundation of the application, might introduce new issues, and that’s not what you and I want. Therefore I want to do thorough tests upfront. I also want to do a public beta within a few weeks (just like Apple does
these days).
If you want to participate, please send a mail (using the contact tab on this site) and mention ‘Public beta’ in the subject field. But keep in mind that the first beta will not work with your current database, and the final version will probably not be able to use the data from the beta version too. The main goal of the beta is to gather feedback and find bugs, not (only) to make you enjoy ‘the latest greatest’.
Export blues
/in Uncategorized/by mariusdereusWhile working on version 5.0 (which unfortunately takes more time than expected), I still want to do some maintenance on version 4.x. Once in a while I also like to add a few features in that version too.
Recently some users asked if it were possible to add attribute names to the cache description when exporting them, so you could see them in the field. This seemed a pretty trivial programming excersise, so I added it in version 4.97. But unfortunately, this feature has caused a lot of crashes. This week version 4.97.2 (yes, I want to reserve 5.0 for the next big thing, so coming up with a proper versionnumber becomes more difficult every time) was released, fixing the glaring main issue in the export code.
But after that update, some users still had issues. One was caused by a new attribute type (GeoTour) not yet supported in iCaching, and another for caches with an empty description. Both situations were not present in my test data, so everything went fine here.
Today version 4.97.3 is submitted to Apple for review. That one should finally fix the export issues. My apologies for the inconvenience these issues have caused. And a big thank you for the users that helped me providing crash reports and example files. This helped me to solve this quickly.
Tips and tricks: open geocache web page
/in Tips and tricks/by mariusdereusJust a little tip for the weekend: You can open a geocache webpage directly by clicking the cache icon on the Info tab.
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When something doesn’t work as you expected, please contact us. We’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible. And of course, when you like iCaching, please give it a good review in the App Store.

The Groundspeak icons are a registered trademark of Groundspeak Inc. Used with permission
The exportmodule is powered by GPSBabel