How do I set my found caches?
Set your geocaching username in the preferences (once), and import the My founds pocketquery from geocaching.com. Now all your found caches will be visible with found-date
iCaching will not open: The file couldn‘t be opened because it isn’t in the correct format...
Luckily there is a backup in place. Use the following steps to make it work again:
I don‘t see Favoritepoints (or they don’t update)
Be aware of the fact that GPX-files (pocketqueries) don’t contain Favoritepoints. The only way to get Favoritepoints is by downloads through the API. You can do this by the API-button on the taskbar, or by using the ‘Download through API’ option in the Pocketquery dialog (reveal options by the little up arrow in the bottom).
How do I prevent searching for unavailable caches?
Add a’ Gpx-date is in the last 14 days’ (or less) filter to your selection filter. This ensures you are using recent cache-information.
Or (from version 4.0) refresh cache-availability by rightclicking on the selected caches.
Where does iCaching store its data?
iCaching stores all cachedata in a hidden location in the users ‘Library’ folder. This location is hidden by Apple because you can harm your system by fiddling around in here.
But when you know what you are doing, here is the location:
For Lion (Mac OS X 10.7) and higher:
Users/YourName/Library/Containers/com.teamGiants.iCaching/Data/Library/Application Support/iCaching/storedata
For Snow Leopard (10.6) it is:
Library/Application Support/iCaching/storedata
There might also be files with a -wal and -shm suffix. These belong to the data too.
Yes, you are right; this is pretty hidden. And no, I didn’t invent that…
I don‘t see the ’My Founds’ pocketquery in the list
Yep, that’s right. Geocaching.com doesn’t support that pocket query through the API. So the only way to get that into iCaching is to download it through your browser and drag it into iCaching.
(and send a mail to geocaching.com that you want that pq to be supported in the API
I would like to automatically import my pocketqueries from mail. Is this possible?
This is possible with an apple-script. This script opens the pocketquery-attachment automagically in iCaching. Download the script (made by iCaching-user Hans-Joachim Seiler) and manual ImportScriptAppleMail.
I want to place an iCaching banner on my profile, do you have one?
You can copy the link to this image (75 x 200 pixels) to add it to your profile.
I have another issue...
If something does not work as expected contact us below.
We are also open for user feedback and wishes. Not every wish can be implemented, but we listen to our users.
And if you like iCaching: tell others and write a positive review in the App Store.